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Old Jack Burger House


Old Jack Burger House

Piata Sfatului no 7 Brasov, Romania

Vezi mai multe poze (10)

Old Jack Burger House

Piata Sfatului no 7 Brasov, Romania


Old Jack Burger House Vezi mai multe poze (10)


There’s a new place in town, where the best of the best have gathered for a common purpose.
A place where they get the respect they deserve. A place where YOU get a taste of the real deal.
Here come the ones who always have it their way. Who know what they want and how to get it.
A place where it feels like family. A different kind of family. See Less

Program functionare

  • Luni


  • Marti


  • Miercuri


  • Joi


  • Vineri


  • Sambata


  • Duminica



  • Plata cu cardul


  • Terasa incalzita


Detalii locatie

ADRESA: Piata Sfatului no 7 Brasov, Romania

TELEFON: +40 733 218 021

Din pacate, Old Jack Burger House nu accepta rezervari online, insa ii puteti contacta telefonic folosind numarul +40 733 218 021.

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